I am a little OCD---With more things then one as I have informed you before. My constant thing for the last few years has been crossing days off the calender every evening before I went to bed. It was like I was continuely waiting for some huge event to arrive- and by crossing days off it might suddenly appear!
Well I can say now that I no longer cross days off- (okay a make a tiny little triangle in the corner but still!)......this is because something huge event has finally happened.....I am ENGAGED! As of New Year's Eve- I'm sort of still on a high about it. Although a funny thing happened a week after where I started realizing that all the things I thought I DIDN'T have going on in life---well come to find out I do. We are planning a wedding for the fall, My Fiance (weird to say) is becoming partner in his business, and we are still looking to buy a house hopefully by summer if the right one comes along. 2011 seems to have some pretty spectacular things going on so far. (That's right 2010--take that you complete asshole of a year!....okay now I've probably jinxed myself.)
However me being me I must admit I'm COMPLETELY overwhelmed when I start to think about all of it. Everything I thought I wouldn't have for years might very well happen within a year or less? There's been a few anxiety attacks- a few small hyperventilating periods....but mainly I'm still very excited for this year. And thank god I have amazing friends and family who are willing and able to put up with me through all of this and help me out....(Thank you thank you thank you.)
In food news I have become quite the expert on the following:
Pear Upside Down Cake (Cooks.com has a great recipe- but I use cream instead of Milk)
And Quiche----try this one out: Bacon, Blue Cheese, Shallot--- or Sun-dried Tomato, Red Onion- Parm.
Basic Quiche:
6 Eggs
4 cups Half and Half (or Milk if you want less fat)
pinch salt and Pepper
*Whisk together the above ingrediants
Prepare whatever filling you are going to use---anything in the fridge really will work as long as you have some cheese in there I think that's key!
Add filling to pie crust- then add egg mixture.
Bake at 350-375 for about 45 minutes. Takes less or more time depending on stove. So good!
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