I returned to my apartment at 8:30 last night after 30+ hours straight with my family- and then a brief two hours with some friends at the pub (much needed). As soon as I walked into my own house and curled up on the couch with Puff Cat I felt soo much more relaxed- like I had survived an intense event or something.
I adore my family- I really do. It's just that I require a lot of space to be myself in. I have odd habits that they don't really understand. Such as if I don't go for a walk at least once a day I will literally explode in anger and aggression. It's not so much about the exercise (although I do need it after all the holiday treats and dinners etc.....)- it's just about me needing my own time away. I'm also a time schedule freak---- I eat at certain times of the day, I do things in order. Okay I admit it I'm a bit OCD. In fact after opening presents yesterday I was counting down the hours till I could go organize my house without anyone being around me. Does this make me an introvert?
Okay maybe I should save the self-analyzing till New Year's eve when I make all my crazy resolutions that most of the time I can never keep.
Here are the highlights of Christmas with the family:
1. Baked Stuffed Lobster (see pic above)
2. It's a Wonderful Life- although it took me a little over 24 hours to finally finish it---there's just something about that ending that always gets to me- makes me feel grateful despite my constant bitching.
3. Watching my sister and parents open there presents from me.
4. Watching my dad unwrap a present that he got from himself (a toy that hovers above your hands)--- minutes before my mom handed him the same present that she had been saving to give him as a surprise. You had to be there but I saw the rage flash in my mothers eyes and the look in my fathers face that he had done something wrong way before it all went down. But ohhhh so amusing haha--- Plus I got the extra toy!
5. Beers at the Pub with our friends that we now have a tradition of meeting up with on Christmas.
6. Christmas Eve walking through the woods alone with my parents dog. Snow covered ground and trees- sun shining bright. There was this one moment where I felt good- and I also felt my Maam looking down at me smiling. I often think of her when I'm walking alone somewhere beautiful- I feel like she is walking with me- and Ill just look up under a snow covered tree and whisper a simple I love you- and it makes me feel like I haven't lost her but that she is just there. And I believe she is-- as I believe any loved one is if you can recall them in truly beautiful moments.
7. Returning home to my wonderful cats. Putting in "My so-called life" and eating a chunk of delicious bread before retiring to sleep.
I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas. I'm sort of happy it's over- like my boyfriend said---now that part of my brain that was spent worrying about gifts and such can be used for something more useful. Cheers!
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