It's been quite sometime since the last time I blogged. Lots of things have happened. For one we bought a house in May, and than two weeks ago Ellery and I got married!
It was a blast, and I am so incredibly happy with every single second of it. I am so lucky to have such amazing friends and family and a beautiful area to live in that made the day amazing.
However two weeks later and I'm sort of still feeling a bit of the post-nuptial blues. Not in any way related to my love for Ellery or regretting being married. Just general blues, let down that comes from having a HUGE event in your life be over, and resuming normal life. I think you expect things to be gigantically different once your married- like all of a sudden things are suppose to be exciting and adventurous and all that fairy tale stuff. Truth is after the honeymoon, life resumes. You walk the dog, you go to work, come home cook dinner, (and in our case continually work on the new house), and than you go to bed. Nothing is that different. Life goes on. Also friends/family seem to want to avoid you after the big event is over....like they fear they are interrupting a very important part of your life. Truthfully I have been sort of a hermit- we haven't seen many people since the wedding. However I would just love it if someone wanted to do something and chat. I could use a distraction.
I've been baking a lot of course to pass the blues. Blackberry Apple Pie, Plum Torte, Upside down cakes, Homemade Mayonnaise, Pesto, Chocolate Chip Pancakes. My husband thinks I'm trying to fatten him up. Really I just love to bake.
I've started a Pie Business- Sarahndipity Pies- it's off to a slow start but I'm hoping someday it will take off, and I can just work for myself instead of working for others. I dream up Pies and Cakes during mundane activities--- i think of different flavor combinations before bed and when i get up in the morning. It's sort of an issue. haha.
Despite my post-nuptial blues I do have this deep appreciation for my husband (and I love saying my husband). Ellery is the single person in this world who gets me. He makes me laugh when I'm feeling like crap, even if I really don't want to laugh. He gets me excited for things ahead in life. He reminds me that our wedding was just one day- and the best is yet to come. I adore my husband. And I am so lucky to have met my soul-mate and be married to him. So eventually I will get over these blues (maybe if this awful rain would end!!), and we will have a hundred events to look forward to over the course of our lives. Till the next one, I think I will go bake a Pie.

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