Tuesday, November 2, 2010

R is for RUDE

Warning: This blog may come across as a bit bitter today.

Today I got out of work a bit early and was enjoying some coffee across the road at my favorite coffee shop. As i was reading and sipping I was as usual distracted by people all around me---mainly this set of friends next to me----one of the friends had a 2 year old girl who was playing with her sticker book. The two friends were chatting about something serious to do with another friend getting a head scan for a potential illness----in the middle of the conversation the little girl starts mumbling something about the letter R. The mom then interrupts the important conversation with her friend and starts going off about how smart her daughter is and how she must of spotted the reflection of the freakin letter R in the window- and how this means her daughter is just sooooo smart blah blah blah. Let me tell you something Mom- I doubt your friend wants to hear about the damn letter R and your child genius right now. She is talking about a close friend who is sick- and you interrupt her to talk about how smart your child is???? Come on have a little respect. I mean I get that people have kids, and kids are obviously most important in someones life---but I think sometimes moms get so wrapped up in their kids that they can't even focus for one second on their friends (that were more than likely there for them through the pregnancy etc etc etc). It may be that I'm a bit bitter right now because 80% of my girl friends have kids and I feel that I'm constantly talking about babies. And don't get me wrong I LOVE their BABIES and I love my friends----but sometimes a friend just needs to talk.

I think we should all (kids or no kids) examine ourselves next time we are talking to someone. Are we really taking the time to truly listen to them? Are we just interrupting an important conversation to focus on ourselves??? Everyone needs to vent and I believe the key to a good friendship of ANY kind is a balance of listening and talking....

I promise to actually write something about food tomorrow- just had to get this off of my chest today. I'm not always this dark:)

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