Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Reflecting on 27

I woke up this morning and realized I was panicking a little. I don't remember doing this when I turned any other age and I am not really sure why it has hit me so hard this year. It's not a big birthday---it's just 28... I think I just needed a minute to reflect on the year because it seems to have been such a crazy one and I don't feel like I should let age 27 escape without writing out a few things that really affected my life this past 12 months.

This year has been full of extreme highs and lows- sort of a bi-polar year. I married Ellery in September and I think this has been the biggest highlight of my life so far. As I have said many times I am blessed to wake up everyday to my best friend. He loves me through every mood, every season, every high and every low. He thinks I am charming and beautiful even when I know I am not acting as either. I am so incredibly lucky. He also has been there for me through every extreme this year--- and I don't know how I would of made it without his patience, love, and understanding.

Even in my lowest point this year I was very much aware of how lucky I am just to have who I have in my life. A major shout out to my family including my sister who jumped in the car at a drop of a dime and drove 3 hours to sit with me, my mom who cooked and cleaned and listened to me, and my dad who stood by my side even if he didn’t know what to say. Another extreme thank you goes out to: Brooke Poland, Crystal Gamet, Devin Finigan and Heather Albert-Knopp. You all listened to me over and over again and helped me work through my sadness/frustration. You are the very definition of Friendship.

I am thankful to have the support of the community while Starting up SARAHNDIPITY PIES AND BAKED GOODS this year. I thank each person who has bought a pie, cake, quiche, etc and passed along the word. And thanks again to my husband who has run to the store or done massive amts of dishes during a baking induced panic attack. I am looking forward to the future of my business.

All and all I am happy to survive this year (after all many famous people have not) and look back on it feeling stronger and knowing myself a bit better